

In Greek mythology, the Minotaur, also known as “Minotauros” or “Minos’s Bull,” stands as a captivating figure—a creature that sparks both fear and fascination. This mythical monster, with the body of a man and the head of a bull, originated from the union of Pasiphae, the wife of Minos, and a magnificent snow-white bull gifted to Minos by the sea god Poseidon for sacrifice. The tale of the Minotaur has captured the imaginations of countless generations, and its enduring legacy continues to resonate through various forms of art, literature, and popular culture.

The Mythical Origins: A Twist of Fate

To truly appreciate the significance of the Minotaur, it is essential to delve into its origins and the events that led to its creation. King Minos of Crete was a powerful and revered ruler, known for his wisdom and prosperity. As a testament to his divine favor, Poseidon sent a majestic bull, which emerged from the sea foam, to Minos. However, King Minos’s desire for supremacy clouded his judgment, leading him to withhold the sacred animal from sacrifice, hoping to maintain its beauty and strength.

Enraged by this act of defiance, the gods decided to intervene, casting a spell upon Pasiphae, Minos’s wife. She became consumed by an unnatural passion for the majestic bull, a love that could not be quelled. Seeking to satisfy her forbidden desires, Pasiphae enlisted the help of Daedalus, a skilled craftsman, who constructed a wooden cow for her. This deceptive contraption allowed Pasiphae to mate with the bull and ultimately led to the birth of the monstrous Minotaur.

The Labyrinth: A Maze of Fear and Terror

The birth of the Minotaur presented an unparalleled challenge for King Minos. Unable to destroy the creature due to its divine heritage, Minos ordered the construction of an intricate labyrinth—a vast maze designed by Daedalus to confine the fearsome beast. The labyrinth became an architectural marvel, a formidable structure that struck terror into the hearts of those who dared to venture within its winding corridors.

Every year, Minos demanded a tribute of seven young men and seven maidens from Athens, destined to be devoured by the Minotaur. This cruel punishment was the result of an earlier conflict between Athens and Crete, where King Aegeus of Athens had slain Minos’s son. The people of Athens faced an unthinkable fate as their youths were sent into the labyrinth, their lives offered as a tribute to sate the Minotaur’s insatiable hunger.

Symbolism and Interpretations

The tale of the Minotaur encompasses various layers of symbolism and has been subject to numerous interpretations throughout history. One prevalent interpretation revolves around the internal struggle between man’s civilized nature and his primal instincts. The Minotaur, with its half-human, half-animal form, represents the untamed and savage aspects that dwell within each individual. It serves as a reminder of the darkness that can lurk within the human psyche if left unchecked.

Furthermore, the labyrinth itself symbolizes the intricate and complex journey of self-discovery. Like Theseus navigating the winding corridors, individuals often face their own personal mazes—challenges, doubts, and fears that must be confronted in order to find enlightenment and personal growth. The act of slaying the Minotaur can be seen as a metaphor for conquering one’s inner demons and emerging stronger and wiser.

The myth of the Minotaur has also been interpreted as a cautionary tale against hubris and the consequences of defying divine will. King Minos’s refusal to honor Poseidon’s gift led to a series of tragic events, ultimately leading to the birth of the monstrous creature. It serves as a reminder that arrogance and disobedience can have dire repercussions.

The Workout:

5x Rounds
:40 Work / :20 Rest for each movement**

KB Goblet Squat
KB Swing
KB Sumo High Pull
KB Alt Arm Push Press
KB Goblet Hold Lunges



In the realm of Greek mythology, few figures command as much admiration and respect as Atalanta. Revered for her remarkable skills, unwavering courage, and noble character, she captivated the hearts of both mortals and deities alike. In this comprehensive article, we delve into the extraordinary life and accomplishments of Atalanta, the Greek huntress and exceptional athlete, exploring her fascinating journey, her unparalleled connection with the goddess Artemis, and her trailblazing endeavors in the realms of hunting and athletics.

Early Life and Unique Heritage
Atalanta’s story begins with a unique and extraordinary heritage. According to ancient texts, her father, King Schoeneus of Boeotia, was initially disappointed at the birth of a daughter instead of a son. However, he soon discovered that his daughter possessed an unrivaled spirit and potential that surpassed traditional gender expectations. Atalanta’s mother, Iasus, exposed her to the wonders of nature from an early age, instilling in her a profound love for the wilderness and a deep appreciation for the art of hunting.

A Beloved Disciple of Artemis
As Atalanta grew older, her exceptional talent in hunting became increasingly evident. Her innate ability to track and capture prey with unmatched precision attracted the attention of the goddess Artemis, the divine mistress of the hunt. Impressed by Atalanta’s natural aptitude and the fire that burned within her, Artemis took the young huntress under her wing, becoming her mentor and guide. This divine connection would shape Atalanta’s destiny and lay the foundation for her extraordinary achievements.

The Huntress Unleashed: Remarkable Skills and Courage
Atalanta’s prowess as a huntress was unparalleled, even amongst her male counterparts. Her exceptional speed, agility, and accuracy allowed her to outmatch any competitor, earning her a reputation as a force to be reckoned with. Whether it was pursuing a fleet-footed deer through dense woodlands or outmaneuvering a cunning predator, Atalanta’s survival instinct and unparalleled skill set made her a true marvel of the hunt.

Breaking Barriers: Equality and Athletic Accomplishments
In addition to her remarkable hunting abilities, Atalanta demonstrated an unwavering belief in equality between genders. She refused to conform to the societal norms that dictated women should be confined to domestic duties, instead pursuing athletic accomplishments typically reserved for men. With determination and relentless effort, Atalanta shattered barriers and redefined what it meant to be a woman in ancient Greece.

Triumph in the Footraces
One of the most celebrated moments in Atalanta’s athletic career was her participation in the legendary footrace organized by King Pelias of Iolcus. Determined to showcase her speed and endurance, Atalanta fearlessly competed against renowned male athletes. Against all odds, she emerged victorious, leaving her competitors astounded and the crowd in awe of her undeniable talent. Her triumph not only solidified her status as an exceptional athlete but also sent a powerful message about the potential and capabilities of women in a male-dominated society.

The Golden Apples: A Test of Wit and Skill
Atalanta’s remarkable journey was not without its share of challenges. One of the most famous trials she faced was the race for the coveted golden apples of the Hesperides. King Meleager of Calydon, impressed by Atalanta’s skills, invited her to participate in a race against numerous suitors, with the prize being the golden apples. Atalanta’s intelligence and strategy proved to be as formidable as her physical abilities. Through cunning and quick thinking, she emerged victorious once again, solidifying her status.


4x Rounds (~30:00 time cap)
800m Run
20x Hand Release Push-Up
20x Sit-Ups
2:00 Rest

Athena – Goddess of wisdom, courage & inspiration

Athena – Goddess of wisdom, courage & inspiration

The Goddess of Wisdom and War. Athena is closely called upon as the giver of wisdom, courage and inspiration.

Historians aren’t entirely sure if the city of Athens got it’s name from Athena or if it was the other way around. We’re going to go with the city being named after this awesome goddess. She was gifted the head of the Gorgon Medusa by Perseus and also wielded a shield that could turn her enemies to stone. It’s not clear if the gift and the shield are interrelated but it’s still a cool weapon!

She is also known as; “The One with gleaming eyes” and “The One who fights in front.” She is known as the female counterpart to Ares and is associated with wisdom in battle, unlike Ares who is simply associated with violence… She often helped the classical heroes of ancient Greece like Odysseus, Heracles, Perseus and Argus by giving them the wise and inspirational guidance they needed to complete their quests.


This entire workout is three rounds. So WOD 1, 2, & 3 make up the entire workout.

30:00 total time on the clock for this workout. You can get extra rest after WOD #2 if you complete it quicker than 6:00.

WOD #1 ‘Wisdom’
8:00 AMRAP
6x Ground-to-Overhead w/Plate 45#/35#
8x Burpee to Plate
20x Double Unders

Rest 2:00

WOD #2 ‘Courage’
6:00 CAP
200m Plate Carry 45#/35#
30x Deadlifts 185# /125#
Toes-to-Bar *AMRAP in Remaining Time

Rest 2:00

WOD #3 ‘Inspiration’
For Time / 12:00 CAP
400m Run
35x Hand Release Push-Ups
65x Air Squats

*Your score on this workout is measured by how fast you can complete WOD #3.
**With the tie-breaker being Rounds and Reps scored in WOD #1.