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Athena – Goddess of wisdom, courage & inspiration

Athena – Goddess of wisdom, courage & inspiration

The Goddess of Wisdom and War. Athena is closely called upon as the giver of wisdom, courage and inspiration.

Historians aren’t entirely sure if the city of Athens got it’s name from Athena or if it was the other way around. We’re going to go with the city being named after this awesome goddess. She was gifted the head of the Gorgon Medusa by Perseus and also wielded a shield that could turn her enemies to stone. It’s not clear if the gift and the shield are interrelated but it’s still a cool weapon!

She is also known as; “The One with gleaming eyes” and “The One who fights in front.” She is known as the female counterpart to Ares and is associated with wisdom in battle, unlike Ares who is simply associated with violence… She often helped the classical heroes of ancient Greece like Odysseus, Heracles, Perseus and Argus by giving them the wise and inspirational guidance they needed to complete their quests.


This entire workout is three rounds. So WOD 1, 2, & 3 make up the entire workout.

30:00 total time on the clock for this workout. You can get extra rest after WOD #2 if you complete it quicker than 6:00.

WOD #1 ‘Wisdom’
8:00 AMRAP
6x Ground-to-Overhead w/Plate 45#/35#
8x Burpee to Plate
20x Double Unders

Rest 2:00

WOD #2 ‘Courage’
6:00 CAP
200m Plate Carry 45#/35#
30x Deadlifts 185# /125#
Toes-to-Bar *AMRAP in Remaining Time

Rest 2:00

WOD #3 ‘Inspiration’
For Time / 12:00 CAP
400m Run
35x Hand Release Push-Ups
65x Air Squats

*Your score on this workout is measured by how fast you can complete WOD #3.
**With the tie-breaker being Rounds and Reps scored in WOD #1.

Agis III (Once King of Sparta)

Agis III (Once King of Sparta)

Chances are, you’ve probably never heard of Agis III. Even though he had one of the coolest last stands in the history of the recorded world, Agis III is still widely forgotten by history, probably because he was defeated by another badass humbly known as Alexander the Great and because of that kickass movie 300.

Even though he was eventually defeated, Agis III ruled Sparta for nine years, after the death of his father. He tried as hard as he could to fight against the incoming menace that was Alexander the Great of Macedonia, but wound up (like everyone else Alexander fought) on the losing end. He fell in battle after being wounded several times to the front of his body, then picked himself back up (bleeding heavily) and held the pass by himself to give his men time to escape. People were so afraid to come at him, this god of death on the battlefield, that he had to be killed by a thrown javelin instead of a sword.

Chipper Style Workout, Complete For Time:
50 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
50 Pull-Ups
50 Kettlebell Swings (1/.75 pood)
50 Walking Lunge Steps
50 Toes-to-bar
50 Push Presses (45/35 lb)
50 V-ups
50 Push-ups
50 Burpees
50 Double-Unders

*Perform all 500 repetitions in the above order. Perform all 50 box jumps, for example, before you move onto the 50 jumping pull-ups.

**Score is the time it takes you to complete all the reps.